Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Tiffy, Spiffy Tiffy, Tiffer, Tiffany Louise, they are just a few of my favorite names for a best buddy. Tiffany and I met in college. We both were working at Walmart and became fast friends. We have worked together, lived together, partied together, laughed and cried together, and stood up for one another. We are going on 20 years that we have been friends and we are still strong. Man that makes us sound so old. She would get home sick for Washington State, move home and then she would get lonesome for Missouri and come back to us. Now she is settled as a wife and mother there close to Seattle. I have been blessed this week because she is back for a visit. It has been 7 years since I have seen her. I didn't even know that I was going to be a mom and her son was just born. So much has happened and yet nothing has changed.

My TEN year wedding anniversary was on July 11th!!!!! Yeah. I think there were some sceptics out there, but were are still in wedding bliss, as they say. We are planning a trip in the fall so we had nothing planned for that day. Travis had to work. Fun fun. But with Tiffany here for a visit, I had for the first time since the wedding, all three of my bridesmaids here in town with me. So I invited them all out for a nice dinner at Red Onion.
My girls left to right; Gina Hendrix, Me, Tiffany Lazio and Lisa Dodson.

Then this week, we found out that more of our college girlfriends are visiting close by so Tiffany and I took our boys down to Roaring River State Park to see them. (Lilly went to a friend's house for the afternoon) Me, Tiffany, Karla and Leslie back together again. Lisa should have been there then it would have been a perfect picture. It was neat to catch up as much as possible in about a two and a half hour period. It is so fun to see how the mannerisms are all still there even though we are all 20 years older. Karla still runs her fingers through her hair constantly and tugs at her shirt, Leslie still has the lip gloss tube in her hand. But now we all have these half grown kids at our sides that some how fit, but not. It is so neat to see them face to face. It was like having my twenty year class reunion. But fun. haha