Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Weekend Hangover

It's not a secret, that in my younger days I could "party" with the best of them. Staying up all hours of the night. Go to school, work and out with friends, repeat. I lived on hardly any sleep and never really thought about. I have given up on that life, needless to say, for more important things. But I never thought that I couldn't "hang". Well this weekend I met my match. Friday night was our annual Coffee night at the church. The women's ministry hosts an evening of fellowship, food and COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE! Kim and I thought that it was a great opportunity to take our craft stuff up to the church with us and after everyone went home we could craft something cute while our caffeine buzz wore off". Our first mistake was underestimating the ability of the other ladies to "hang". The last one to leave left at 12:30 am.
Of course we were still feeling great, our caffeine was kicked in. Second mistake, underestimating the caffeine euphoria. Third mistake was starting our craft project at 1 in the morning. But we started the cutest calendars, by the way, we are not finished with them yet and I'll post it when it's all done. We left the church at 4 am yes 4 AM!
I had made some cinnamon rolls for snack and had almost all of them left. So when I walked into the house, Trav was awakened and I told him that I had made breakfast already so don't wake me up. ha! Lilly did the honors after a total of 3 hrs sleep. My father in law was coming over to look at our plumbing. I needed to get around and get the dirty clothes off of the bathroom floor anyways... I started Saturday tired and it snowballed through the weekend. I am just now getting rested up. Staying out until all hours was not as fun as it used to be. Let me rephrase that... Staying out was a blast, paying for it the next two days stunk!